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    28 August 2015, Volume 10 Issue 4
    Progress on the study of innate immune response to Cryptococcus neoformans
    MENG Guang-xun, GUO Cai-qin, CHEN Ming-kuan
    2015, 10(4):  193-196. 
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    Innate immunity is the first line of the host immune system fighting against invading pathogens.Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are responsible for recognition of pathogens and their components.And the nucleotide oligomerization domain (Nod)-like receptors (NLRs) are intracellular PRRs.In recognition of pathogens infection, some NLRs including NLRP3, NLRP1 and NLRC4 form large protein complexes called inflammasomes, which mediate maturation of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18.Inflammasomes are important in anti-fungal immunity.Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen, mainly infecting immunocompromised patients and causing high mortality.Here we review recent progresses on host innate immune response against Cryptococcus neoformans.

    Multi-center epidemiological survey of pathogenic fungi of onychomycosis in China
    WANG Ai-ping, YU Jin, WAN Zhe, LI Fu-qiu, ZENG Jing-si, LIU Wei-da, ZHANG Qiang-qing, HAO Fei, RAN Yu-ping, XI Li-yan, LAI Wei, LI Ruo-yu
    2015, 10(4):  197-202. 
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    Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of pathogenic fungi of onychomycosis in China.Methods Fungal culture and clinical analysis were performed on 1 428 cases of onychomycosis using positive direct microscopic examination.Results Eight hundred strains were isolated, the positive rate was 53.9%.The most frequently isolated fungi were dermatophytes (84%), Trichophyton rubrum accounted for 80.9%, followed by Trichophyton interdigitale and Epidermophyton floccosum. The second was yeasts (11.4%), Candida accounted for 10.1%, mainly included C.parapsilosis, C.albicans and C.tropicalis.Non-dermatophytic moulds accounted for 4.6%, included Acremonium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Chaetomium, Fusarium and Scopulariopsis.Conclusion In China, the most frequently pathogenic fungi of onychomycosis were dermatophytes, followed by yeasts and non-dermatophytic moulds.

    Expression of TNF-α, IL-1β and CCL3 in RAW264.7 macrophages challenged with Trichosporon asahii
    CONG Lin, XIA Zhi-kuan, LI Hai-tao, YANG Rong-ya
    2015, 10(4):  203-206. 
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    Objective To explore the protein levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and CCL3 in RAW264.7 macrophages challenged with Trichosporon asahii (T.asahii).Methods RAW264.7 macrophages were incubated with T.asahii or medium alone (control group) for 3, 6, 9, or 12 h, then the cytokine concentrations (TNF-α, IL-1β and CCL3) in the supernatants were determined using commercial ELISA kits.The numbers of viable RAW264.7 macrophages after incubated with T.asahii for 3, 6, 9, or 12 h were counted by using trypan blue staining method.Results The protein levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and CCL3 in the supernatants when RAW264.7 macrophages incubated with T.asahii for 3, 6, 9, or 12 h were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05).The protein levels of these 3 cytokines were gradually elevated with the extension of incubation time and peaking at 9 h.The numbers of viable RAW264.7 macrophages were gradually declined with the extension of incubation time.The numbers of viable RAW264.7 macrophages were significantly declined after incubated with T.asahii for 12 h (P<0.05).Conclusion RAW264.7 macrophages could secrete TNF-α, IL-1β and CCL3 when challenged with T.asahii and these inflammatory cytokines may be involved in the anti-fungal immune response of RAW264.7 macrophages against T.asahii infection.

    In vitro antifungal activity of tacrolimus combined with antifungals against Candida spp. and dermatophytes
    CHEN Chun, CHEN Qi-hong, SUN Yi, GAO Lu-juan, ZENG Tong-xiang
    2015, 10(4):  207-209. 
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    Objectives To investigate the in vitro antifungal susceptibility of FK-506 combined with antifungals to Candida spp.and dermatophytes. Methods The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of Candida spp.against ketoconazole and dermatophytes against terbinafine were assayed using CLSI M27-A3 and M38-A2 microdilution method,respectively.By using broth microdilution checkerboard technique system,we evaluated the combined antifungal activity of tacrolimus with ketoconazole or terbinafine against Candida spp.and dermatophytes,respectively. Results The MIC50 and MIC90 of ketoconazole against Candida spp.were 4 μg/mL and 8 μg/mL,respectively.The MIC50 and MIC90 of terbinafine against dermatophytes were 0.06 μg/mL and 0.125 μg/mL,respectively.The result showed that the combination of tacrolimus and Ketoconazole or Terbinafine had synergistic inhibitory activity against Candida spp.(53.5%,n=15) and dermatophytes (46.7%,n=15). Conclusion The MICs of antifungals can be reduced partly when combined with low concentration of FK-506 against Candida spp.and dermatophytes,and no antagonism was found.

    The vaginal bacteria and micro-ecology features in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
    FAN Juan, SHEN Jian, JIANG Jian-hua, LIU Yan
    2015, 10(4):  210-215. 
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    Objective To investigate the vaginal microecology features in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) and its etiological role.Methods From January 2013 to December 2014, 126 cases suffering with RVVC were studied, whereas 120 healthy reproductive-age women were enrolled as control.The secretions were examined by Gram stain grouped and Nugent scoring system, as well as the vaginal pH was determined simultaneously.In addition, vaginal bacteria and micro-ecology features (such as vaginal flora density, diverse and predominant population) were measured.Results The vaginal pH (4.51±0.3 Vs 4.11±0.2, P<0.05) and Nugent score (4.21±0.81 Vs 1.31±1.19, P<0.05) in RVVC group were significantly increased when compared with those in control group.The density of Lactobacillus was significantly decreased (P<0.05), whereas the density of Gardnerella/Prevotella and gram-positive cocci were significantly decreased in RVVC group (P<0.05).Additionally, the flora diverse in RVVC group was significantly raised with lower proportion of Lactobacillus-dominating community and high proportion of Gardnerella/Prevotella as well as gram-positive cocci-dominating community.Conclusion The significant alternations of vaginal bacterial community composition and structure were observed in RVVC women.Such compromising in vaginal biological barrier might relate to the risk to the recurrence of VVC, and future breakthrough might benefit from establishing new therapeutic targets and providing protective strategies for rebuilding vaginal bacterial community by developing novel probiotic Lactobacillus.

    Comparison of DNA extraction methods from Sporothrix globosa
    SHI Ying, CUI Yan, ZHAO Li-pei, SONG Yang, LI Shan-shan
    2015, 10(4):  216-219. 
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    Objective To find a rapid, effective and easy-to-perform DNA extraction protocol from Sporothrix globosa.Methods Four methods, such as CTAB-extraction, guanidine thiocyanate boiling-extraction, alkaline lysis-extraction, DNA extraction kit, were compared based on Sporothrix globosa isolates from different regions.The purity and yield of the DNA were determined by ultraviolet absorption spectrum.The DNA quality was evaluated with agarose gel electrophoresis and PCR amplification.Results It showed that all methods could get DNA, but alkaline lysis-extraction was better than others for the purity and yield of the DNA.Based on degenerated primers of fragments of the calmodulin genes for PCR, we found all samples showed bright stripe.Conclusion Alkaline lysis-extraction is the most suitable method for extracting high quality DNA from Sporothrix globosa.

    Clinical analysis of 24 cases with tinea capitis in Peking university Shenzhen hospital
    WU Fang-pei, HU Xiao-ping, LIU Xiao-yun, CHEN Chao-feng, YU Bo
    2015, 10(4):  220-223. 
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    Objective To acknowledge clinical feature and pathogenic fungal distribution of tinea capitis in the hospital recently.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on 24 cases of tinea capitis collected from Jan.2013 to Dec.2014 in the Department of Dermatology Peking university Shenzhen Hospital.Results Among the 24 cases of tinea capitis patients, nine were male, and thirteen were female.Their average age was 10 years old.58.3% of 24 cases with tinea capitis were Tinea alba.29% of causative pathogen was Microspomm canis.Conclusion Children of 4 to 9 years were the predominate population of 24 tinea capitis cases.Tinea alba was the most common type of tinea capitis.Microspomm canis was the major causative organism of tinea capitis.

    Innate immune mechanisms for recognition Candida albicans
    YANG Long, JIA Xin-ming, JIANG Yuan-ying
    2015, 10(4):  236-240. 
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    Candida species are major causes of infections affecting either body surfaces or the deep tissues.Recognition of Candida spp by immune cells is mediated by dedicated pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), expressed on innate immune cells.PRRs recognize Candida-specific pathogenassociated molecular patterns (PAMPs).Binding of fungal PAMPs to PRRs triggers the activation of innate effector cells.Host-Candidainteraction can result either in rapid elimination of the pathogen or the persistence of the pathogen in immunocompromised patients, leading to either chronic mucocutanous candidiasis or invasive candidiasis.Several PRRS, such as Dectin-1, also play important roles in adaptive immunity defense against fungi by preferentially inducing Th17 cell differentiation.Here, we discuss the molecular basis of receptor-mediated recognition and uptake of Candida and we describe the relative role of these receptors in initiating inflammation.

    Advances in the clinical application of sertaconazole nitrate
    SUN Yu-lu, ZHANG Rui-li, SU Fang
    2015, 10(4):  252-256. 
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    Sertaconazole nitrate is a new broad-spectrum, efficient topical azole antifungal.This paper summarizes its pharmacological action, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic action, antifungal activity, the latest clinical efficacy and safety evaluation in the treatment of dermatophytoses, superficial candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis etc.Compared with miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine etc, sertaconazole cream can provide a better efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of skin tinea and superficial Candidal infections.Its antipruritic action and once-daily application in the light of its pharmacokinetics increase patient adherence and the cure rate.A topical microemulsion-based hydrogel has been developed to enhance permeation of sertaconazole for effective eradication of cutaneous fungal infection.The latest clinical studies suggest that sertaconazole cream may be an excellent alternative therapeutic modality for treating seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis.

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