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Chinese Journal of Mycology 2022, Vol. 17  Issue (3): 225-226.

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A case of cutaneous chromoblastomycosis caused by Fonsecaea monophora

LIU Ruizhen, CHEN Jing, XU Ming, LU Wanding   

  1. Dermatology Hospital of Fuzhou, Fuzhou 36000, China
  • Received:2020-03-26 Online:2022-06-28 Published:2022-07-02

Abstract: A 63-year-old male presented with a nodule on the left wrist for half a month. Physical examination showed hyperkeratotic plaques and nodule on the left wrist. Histopathological examination revealed a number of brown and roundish thick-walled sclerotic bodies in dermis and multinucleated giant cells. PAS staining was positive. Fungus culture test observed dark-brown to dark fungi which was confirmed as Fonsecaea monophora by sequencing. The patient was treated with oral itraconazole, but finally died of complications of silicosis.

Key words: chromoblastomycosis, Fonsecaea monophora, itraconazole

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