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Chinese Journal of Mycology 2014, Vol. 9  Issue (5): 264-267.

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MLST genotyping and mating type identification of C.neoformans in genotypes with virulent difference

KANG Ying-qian, CHEN Yu-ru, WANG Mei-zhu, ZHAO Liang, LI Xiao-ling, JIN Fang, LIU Tao-hua   

  1. Department of Microbiology, Guiyang Medical University, Guiyang 550004
  • Received:2014-09-22 Online:2014-10-28 Published:2014-10-28

Abstract: Objectives To study the Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) characteristics of C.neoformans var.grubii and to identify their mating types.Methods Primers of 7 housekeeping genes (CAP59,GPD1,LAC1,PLB1,SOD1,URA5 and IGS1) were designed for PCR amplification; the genotypes of 20 environment and clinical isolates were analyzed with MLST result and the matting types of these strains were identified. And both the results of MLST and Multilocus Microsatellite Typing (MLMT) were compared to each other for evaluating their stability and reliability in taxonomy.Results The multilocus microsatellite genotype of all the 10 environment isolates was MLMT-13 in previous experiment and the MLST type of there strains was ST-15 in this experiment. Similarly, all the MLMT-36 clinical isolates belong to ST-32. And all the strains were MAT-α.Conclusion The MLST Results are highly consistent with MLMT Results in previous experiment which reveals that both molecular typing Methods are high resoluted and stable on classification of different isolation background on species or varieties level.

Key words: Cryptococcus neoformance, MLST, MLMT, mating type

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