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中国真菌学杂志 2017, Vol. 12  Issue (5): 295-297.

病例报告 上一篇    下一篇


朱伯成1, 潘搏2, 葛国军1, 高全1, 楼柏炀1, 徐志杰3, 朱晓峰1   

  1. 1. 解放军117医院, 杭州 310013;
    2. 上海长征医院皮肤科, 上海 200003;
    3. 第二军医大学学员旅, 上海 200433
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-22 出版日期:2017-10-28 发布日期:2017-10-28
  • 通讯作者: 朱晓峰,E-mail:zhuxiaofeng201606@163.com E-mail:zhuxiaofeng201606@163.com
  • 作者简介:朱伯成,男(汉族),本科,住院医师.E-mail:bchengzhu117@163.com

A patient with renal allograft failure and disseminated cryptococcosis:a case report

ZHU Bo-cheng1, PAN-Bo2, GE Guo-jun1, GAO Quan1, LOU Bo-yang1, XU Zhi-jie3, ZHU Xiao-feng1   

  1. 1. The No.117 Hospital of People's Liberation Army of China, Hangzhou 310013, China;
    2. Department of Dermatology, Changzheng hospital, Shanghai 200003, China;
    3. Cadet Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
  • Received:2017-03-22 Online:2017-10-28 Published:2017-10-28


报道移植肾功能衰竭患者感染隐球菌1例。患者56岁女性,肾移植术后6 a余,维持性血透3个月,诉发热、皮疹伴疼痛两周余。查体:双大腿广泛红斑、结节分布,可融合成片,左腿显著,局部皮温高,触痛明显。血培养、皮下组织培养及病理、脑脊液检查均提示新生隐球菌感染。患者予氟康唑抗真菌治疗8个月后治愈。

关键词: 肾移植, 移植肾功能衰竭, 维持性血透, 隐球菌病, 新生隐球菌


A case of renal allograft failure with disseminated cryptococcosis was reported.A 56-year-old woman who came to our hospital complained that both of her lower limbs had appeared extensive subcutaneous swollen nodules and low fever for 15 days.She had a 6-year renal transplant history and 3 months of maintenance hemodialysis.Physical examination showed multiple tender,warmth subcutaneous nodules with erythema on her lower limbswhich partially fused.The lesions were more serious on the left thigh.Histopathologic examination of lesions showed numous yeast cells in the dermal and fat tissue.The culture of blood and subcutaneous tissue revealed Cryptococcus neoformans.Cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen in cerebrospinal fluid and serum were positive.The patient got cured by antifungal therapy for 8 months.

Key words: renal transplant, transplant kidney failure, maintenance hemodialysis, cryptococcosis, Cryptococcus neoformans
