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中国真菌学杂志 2017, Vol. 12  Issue (4): 207-211.

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谭静文1, 何文婧1, 高志琴1, 杨虹1, 章楚光2, 梁豫琳2, 杨连娟1   

  1. 1. 上海市皮肤病医院真菌病科, 上海 200443;
    2. 上海市皮肤病医院病理科, 上海 200443
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-18 出版日期:2017-08-28 发布日期:2017-08-28
  • 通讯作者: 杨连娟,E-mail:lianjuan_yang@aliyun.com E-mail:lianjuan_yang@aliyun.com
  • 作者简介:谭静文,女(汉族),硕士,住院医师.E-mail:cecilia_88903@163.com
  • 基金资助:


The role of IL-22 in oral candidiasis which caused by Candida albicans

TAN Jing-wen1, HE Wen-jing1, GAO Zhi-qin1, YANG Hong1, ZHANG Chu-guang2, LIANG Yu-lin2, YANG Lian-juan1   

  1. 1. Department of medical mycology, Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, Shanghai 200443;
    2. Department of pathematology, Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, Shanghai 200443
  • Received:2016-12-18 Online:2017-08-28 Published:2017-08-28


目的 明确IL-22在口腔白念珠菌感染中的作用及可能机制。方法 建立BALB/c小鼠口腔白念珠菌感染动物模型,使用IL-22特异性抗体阻断小鼠IL-22分泌,观察与IL-22正常分泌小鼠相比,舌体感染情况、局部菌载量,颊黏膜组织病理学改变以及局部细胞因子表达水平的变化。结果 感染48 h后,阻断IL-22分泌的小鼠舌体可见厚的假膜状白斑,舌体菌载量1 700 CFU/mL;未阻断者其舌体局部可见薄的白斑,菌载量为980 CFU/mL。颊黏膜PAS染色后可见,阻断IL-22的小鼠黏膜表面附有较多菌丝并侵入上皮,伴有上皮细胞水肿及炎细胞浸润;未阻断者黏膜局部少量菌丝附着,未见明显炎细胞浸润。颊黏膜Realtime-PCR检测表明,与正常野生型小鼠相比,阻断IL-22分泌的小鼠局部TNF-α、CXCL-9、CXCL-10、CXCL-11表达量分别为升高18.1、0.8、1.2及0.9倍;未阻断者分别升高34.5、1.2、6.1及1.7倍。结论 IL-22可能通过募集驱化因子在口腔白念珠菌感染中发挥保护作用。

关键词: 口腔念珠菌病, 白念珠菌, IL-22


Objective To evaluate the role of IL-22 in oral candidiasis which caused by Candida albicans. Methods We built the models of experimental oral candidiasis in BALB/c mice firstly.Then we used anti-IL-22 antibody to block the immune response.After that we estimate the manifestation of acute oral candidiasis and colonization of C.albicans in the tongue.Histopathological study and the cytokine changes of buccal mucosa were detected either. Results Mice which IL-22 were blocked showed thick pseudomembranous substance on the tongue and the fungal burden reached 1 700 CFU/mL.The normal mice showed thin pseudomembranous substance and the fungal burden was 980 CFU/mL.Histopathological examinations showed hyphae existing on the mucosal surface and invading epithelium accompanied by destruction of epithelium and inflammatory infiltration in the IL-22 blocked mice.Meanwhile,in the normal mice,there were less hyphae existing and rare inflammation.The Real-time PCR showed that compare with wild mice,the fold change of TNF-α,CXCL-9,CXCL-10,CXCL-11 in IL-22 blocked one were 18.1,0.8,1.2 and 0.9 times.Which were 34.5,1.2,6.1and 1.7 times in IL-22 normal mice. Conclusions IL-22 can be protective through enhance the secretion of chemotactic factor in oral candidiasis which caused by C.albicans.

Key words: Oral candidiasis, Candida albicans, IL-22
