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中国真菌学杂志 2017, Vol. 12  Issue (3): 156-158,161.

病例报告 上一篇    下一篇


陶露, 周文明   

  1. 安徽医科大学皮肤病研究所安徽医科大学附属第一医院皮肤科, 合肥 230032
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-29 出版日期:2017-06-28 发布日期:2017-06-28
  • 通讯作者: 周文明,E-mail:zhouwenming@medmail.com.cn E-mail:zhouwenming@medmail.com.cn
  • 作者简介:陶露,女(汉族),硕士研究生在读.E-mail:903734839@qq.com

A case of cryptococcal meningitis misdiagnosed as tuberculous meningitis

TAO Lu, ZHOU Wen-ming   

  1. Institute of Dermatology, Department of dermatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China
  • Received:2016-12-29 Online:2017-06-28 Published:2017-06-28


报道误诊为结核性脑膜炎的隐球菌脑膜炎1例。患者女性,49岁,间歇性头痛、低热,伴视力、听力进行性下降3个月余,诊断为结核性脑膜炎,行抗结核治疗1个月余。3 d前患者体温骤升至39.4℃,伴剧烈头痛,呕吐。脑脊液真菌培养为隐球菌,脑脊液隐球菌抗原滴度1:80。诊断:隐球菌脑膜炎。经抗真菌治疗半年后,患者一般情况好转,脑脊液病原学结果阴性。

关键词: 隐球菌脑膜炎, 结核性脑膜炎, 脑脊液, 误诊


To report one case of cryptococcal meningitis misdiagnosed as tuberculous meningitis.The patient was a 49-year-old female with intermittent headache,low fever,progressive visual and hearing damage for more than three months,who was diagnosed as tuberculous meningitis.After anti-tuberculous treatment for more than a month,the patient developed an elevated temperature to 39.4 degree,a severe headache and vomiting for 3 days.And the fungus cultivation of cerebrospinal fluid gotten by lumbar puncture was positive.Beside,the cryptococcal antigens titer testing was 1:80.So the patient was diagnosed as cryptococcal meningitis.Nowdays the condition of the patient was better than before and the etiological examinations of the cerebrospinal fluid become negative after antifungal treatments for half a year.

Key words: cryptococcal meningitis, tuberculous meningitis, cerebrospinal fluid, misdiagnosed
