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中国真菌学杂志 2015, Vol. 10  Issue (4): 236-240.

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杨龙1, 贾鑫明2, 姜远英1   

  1. 1. 第二军医大学药学院新药研究中心, 上海 200433;
    2. 同济大学医学院免疫教研室, 上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2014-04-28 出版日期:2015-08-28 发布日期:2015-08-28
  • 通讯作者: 姜远英,E-mail:jiangyy@smmu.edu.cn;贾鑫明,E-mail:jiaxm@tongji.edu.cn E-mail:jiangyy@smmu.edu.cn;jiaxm@tongji.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:杨龙,男(汉族),硕士研究生在读.E-mail:muyi53@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Innate immune mechanisms for recognition Candida albicans

YANG Long1, JIA Xin-ming2, JIANG Yuan-ying1   

  1. 1. New Drug Reseach and Development Center, school of Pharmacology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433;
    2. Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092
  • Received:2014-04-28 Online:2015-08-28 Published:2015-08-28


白念珠菌是引起机体浅部和深部真菌感染的主要致病菌。机体通过固有免疫细胞表面的模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors,PRRs),与白念珠菌细胞壁表面的病原相关模式分子(pathogen associated molecular patterns,PAMPs)结合,激活机体固有免疫应答。机体和白念珠菌的相互作用可以有效抵抗白念珠菌侵袭,清除白念珠菌感染,但当机体免疫力低下时,白念珠菌会持续引发感染,引起慢性黏膜念珠菌病,严重时可以引发系统性白念珠菌感染危及生命。部分模式识别受体如Dectin-1还通过影响Th17细胞的分化,对白念珠菌的适应性免疫应答发挥一定的作用。该文将对已发现的能够识别白念珠菌的模式识别受体,以及这些受体在机体抗白念珠菌感染中的作用进行讨论。

关键词: 白念珠菌, 模式识别受体, 病原相关模式分子, 固有免疫


Candida species are major causes of infections affecting either body surfaces or the deep tissues.Recognition of Candida spp by immune cells is mediated by dedicated pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), expressed on innate immune cells.PRRs recognize Candida-specific pathogenassociated molecular patterns (PAMPs).Binding of fungal PAMPs to PRRs triggers the activation of innate effector cells.Host-Candidainteraction can result either in rapid elimination of the pathogen or the persistence of the pathogen in immunocompromised patients, leading to either chronic mucocutanous candidiasis or invasive candidiasis.Several PRRS, such as Dectin-1, also play important roles in adaptive immunity defense against fungi by preferentially inducing Th17 cell differentiation.Here, we discuss the molecular basis of receptor-mediated recognition and uptake of Candida and we describe the relative role of these receptors in initiating inflammation.

Key words: Candida albicans, pattern recognition receptors, pathogen associated molecular patterns, Innate immunity
