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中国真菌学杂志 2015, Vol. 10  Issue (2): 65-69.

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李小玲1, 金方1, 陈玉如2, 牟丽丽1, 刘涛华1, 吕倩1, 康颖倩1   

  1. 1. 贵阳医学院微生物学教研室, 贵阳 550004;
    2. 贵阳市第五人民医院检验科, 贵阳 550004
  • 收稿日期:2015-01-12 出版日期:2015-04-28 发布日期:2015-04-28
  • 通讯作者: 康颖倩,E-mail:joycekangtokyo@qq.com E-mail:joycekangtokyo@qq.com
  • 作者简介:李小玲,女(汉族),硕士研究生在读.E-mail:wangyiideyx@163.com
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然基金 (31060006,31260029);贵阳市科技局社会发展与民生计划 (筑科合同[2011103]16号),贵州省社会发展科技攻关项目 (黔科合SY字[2011]3017号),贵阳市科技局科技创新平台计划 (筑科合同2012303号)

The morphological diversity and virulence factorssecretory activity of Candida parapsilosis

LI Xiao-ling1, JIN Fang1, CHEN Yu-ru2, MU Li-li1, LIU Tao-hua1, LV Qian1, KANG Ying-qian1   

  1. 1. Department of Microbiology, Guiyang Medical University, Guiyang 550004, China;
    2. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Fifth People's Hospital of Guiyang City, Guiyang 550004, China
  • Received:2015-01-12 Online:2015-04-28 Published:2015-04-28


目的 比较近平滑念珠菌不同临床分离株的菌落和细胞形态及其分泌型天冬氨酸蛋白酶 (SAP)酶活性,阐明该病原真菌的形态多样性及毒力差异。方法 分别用Lee's GlcNAc、Lee's glucose、Spider 3种培养基于37℃培养7株近平滑念珠菌临床分离株,观察各菌株的菌落及细胞形态;用牛血清白蛋白培养基 (BSA)于30℃培养7株近平滑念珠菌,通过观察形成晕圈能力的强弱确定其毒力因子 (SAP)的分泌活性。结果 7株近平滑念珠菌临床分离株在不同条件下菌落表型有较明显的不同,菌落有光滑型、皱褶型及火山口样型,且染色程度不同,各分离株细胞在形成酵母相或菌丝相的能力方面呈现出不同程度的差异;SAP酶活性观察实验中检测到各菌株水解晕圈大小从2.55 cm到1.55 cm各不相等。结论 近平滑念珠菌临床分离株具有形态多样性,各菌株SAP酶活性明显不同,提示菌株间的毒力有明显差异。

关键词: 近平滑念珠菌, 形态多样性, SAP酶活性


Objective Compared the colonies and cells morphology and the secreted aspartic proteinase (SAP) enzyme activity of different clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis,and elucidated the morphological diversity and the differences of virulence of the pathogenic fungi.Method Seven clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis were cultured respectively on different solid media,and the morphology characteristics of colonies and cells were observed and recorded.Strains were also cultured on solid medium of bovine serum albumin (BSA) at 30 ℃ for determining the secretory activity of the virulence factors (SAP) by observing the proteolytic halos.Result Diverse colonies and phenotypes of the above strains were checked under several sorts of conditions—smooth,crepe and crater in various shades of stained color,and the ability of filamentation were also different from each other among the tested strains.In addition,the sizes of proteolytic halos were various from 2.55 cm to 1.55 cm.Conclusion There are diverse phenotypes which can be shown for the clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis,and the SAP enzyme activities of them are distinct,which may imply the significant virulent differences among the strains.

Key words: Candida parapsilosis, Morphological diversity, SAP activity
