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中国真菌学杂志 2012, Vol. 7  Issue (6): 362-364.

病例报告 上一篇    下一篇

以红皮病和口腔念珠菌感染为主要表现AIDS 1例

易雪梅, 丁杨峰, 涂宏钢   

  1. 上海市皮肤病医院,上海 200050
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-02 出版日期:2012-12-28 发布日期:2012-12-28
  • 作者简介:易雪梅,女 (汉族),硕士,主治医师.E-mail:xuemei_yi@yahoo.com.cn

A case of AIDS with erythroderma and Candida infection as the primary manifestations

YI Xue-mei, DING Yang-feng, TU Hong-gang   

  1. Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital,Shanghai 200050
  • Received:2012-03-02 Online:2012-12-28 Published:2012-12-28


报道以红皮病为突出表现AIDS 1例。患者男性,64岁,因"全身发疹2个月,伴发热1周"收入院。查体发现体重明显下降,双睑结膜充血,口腔上颚,颊黏膜密集点滴状白色伪膜,全身弥漫暗红色斑片,伴有褐色痂皮脱屑。口腔黏膜真菌涂片 (+),HIV-1 (+)。确诊AIDS,红皮病,口腔念珠菌感染。后死于肺部感染。

关键词: AIDS, 红皮病, 口腔念珠菌


A case of AIDS characterized by erythroderma was reported. A 64-year-old man had a history of whole body rash for two months and fever for a week. A severe body weight loss, conjunctival congestion, white dense guttate pseudomembranous of the palate and buccal mucosa, and diffuesed dark erythema with brown crusts scaling throughout the body were found in the examination. According to Oral Mucous Membrane smear being positive for fungi and HIV-1, the man was diagnosed as AIDS, erythroderma and oral candidiasis. In the end, he died of severe pulmonary infection.

Key words: AIDS, erythroderma, oral candidiasis
